Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Little Mirror

As I button up Ava's shirt, she places her little darling hands right on the gems on my sweater.   We had a mommy daughter moment.

As I flipped through my baby albums, I noticed how I was always over made like a human size Barbie doll.  My hair was perfect, smile and always in dresses with matching bows. I remember when I was in middle school and I'd always dread if my mom tried to dress me.  Now...I know why.  She was right.  I'm doing the same.  

How I miss my mother but when I look at Ava, I can't help but smile and want to give her the best.  She's so cute and even more with these outfits.  It's fun, it's my time with her, it's my mommy moment.  I love her so. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sewing 101

Put a check off on my list... I signed up for sewing class.  A passion I have longed to accomplish but never did it. 

I went today and signed up.  I have to say walking around Joann's Fabric, I was so lost.  Give me a mall and I can tell you everything in that directory.  Joann's fabric?? Well I was a lost puppy.  No worries I will conquer it!  

I purchased my first kit ever!  Pin cushion, pins, a yard of fusable fabric, a spool of thread, and a yard of hello kitty (cotton).  Also had to get a box to carry it all in.  I wanted this super cute basket but refrained and stayed 101 for now.  

I cannot wait to share this experience with you all.  To be continued! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Face Enemies with Open Arms

My husband said to me today, "You are brave.  You face everything."

Yes I do.  Life isn't about regrets, grudges and anger.  Don't get me wrong, there are some relationship in life that can not be mended and not everyone is gonna be all jolly and love with one another, but sometimes running away from relationships that never had a closure, well needs to be closed or repaired.    

I came in crossing with someone I knew who in my life was in and out.  We didn't end our friendship the greatest but looking back, we had more good than bad.  Though some times in life, awkwardness kicks in and some times space grows further.  I've always been a person who wants good karma.  When I hear of her name, I smile.  So today I did it.  I messaged her and told her how I missed her, thanked her for her life lessons and wished her well.  Yes I can sleep well tonight but what's more gratifying is we both had our closure and now can continue growing our friendship in a positive way.  We had our smiles.  A smile a day is the best day.   

Life isn't about being bitter.  You make the best of what you can.  Some people fit in your life.  Some people don't.  Not everyone is meant to be in your life and it's okay.  Though, some friendships are worth keeping because it helped you grow and become better.  Those are the people you wanna keep.  Moving forward.  Carrying on.  Being positive.  I'm all smiles.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Forever you'll be my baby

My stickygram phone case is here!!  After waiting patiently for a month, it's in my hands and I'm in love!

Call me whatever, but this is the sweetest ever!  Original and you always have someone to smile about when you grab your phone and not to mention a great eye catcher and conversation talk.  The photos of my memories are with me always!  

We also have the stickygram magnets on our fridge.  All photos from Instagram.  

Absolutely a must get for kodak moments.  I'm obsessed! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My little ray of sunshine

When I wake up and see her face, it pops a smile to my face.  When I come home from 12 hours of work and see her standing at the door staring at me, it warms my heart.  When she hugs and calls me mama, I know she's my life.  It's quite unbelievable what one little person can do to you.  Sometimes I still pinch myself when I look at her, "I'm a mom." 

Reality is, mommyhood isn't the easiest task but it is also one the greatest teachings in life.  My little Ava has totally changed the whole meaning of life to me.  She makes me wanna be a kid again and forget all the issues and problems that adulthood brings.  I'm so fortunate to have an amazing husband who help me immensely.  Without him this wouldn't come true, and my little Ava wouldn't be so awesome.  

Parenthood is teamwork and support.  It's not only a mom's job.  When a child sees how the parents' relationship is that's when you know how they will be. Showing love to one another shouldn't be foreign and only in bed and helping each other by splitting the task shouldn't be a "he does this and she does that", everything is equal.  With all that, an amazing kid is gonna become.  Ava's already amazing, her heart is sweet and gosh darn it, she knows what she wants.  I'm sure there will be days she's gonna be like a Tasmanian devil, but she's surely amazing.  

My parents always had their duties around the house.  It was a system.  Occasionally you would see them flirt with one another, and as a teenager it made me wanna vomit, but now I saw their love.  It taught me love.  It's all a ripple effect.  Love each other and life is just grand.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Paleo vs. Nee

New year's resolution:  stay fit and live long.

My husband is a health nut, work out fanatic, and hardcore …EVERYTHING.  I must admit, I truly admire his dedication.  When he puts his mind to it, he sticks to it.  Me??  Well, I try.  I go along for the ride and then when I find a burger or french fry, I devour it and eat it up like there's no tomorrow- with P staring at me with a grin.  WHAT!?

So he's into cross fit, I'm going back to my Holly Hsu bootcamp.  We're gonna be fit, live long and love each other forever and ever.  So, what's the new trend in our house???  PALEO.  I'm gonna attempt to try this.  Will I survive?  We shall see.   So far today, which is day one, I gave in and ate legumes and barley, but hey!  It was in my veggie soup, so in actuality it's not that horrible.  To the Paleo followers, I'm a sinner.  STRIKE ONE.  

What is Paleo?
According to my husband, yes he knows everything, it's a cave man's diet.  No dairy, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, high-salt meats and snacks, and oils (canola, vegetable, sugar, sunflower, safflower.)  It's pretty much clean eating- raw.  When he told me no sugar, I instantly screamed " NO STARBUCKS??"  I don't know how I'm gonna live. but I shall not be conquered!  I can do this. 

So here's to Paleo and kicking it's behind!
Mission// 30 days-  yes I can……(help me!)


book:  Paleo for Beginners
sponsor:  paul

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My wuka wuka!!

My daughter is 15 months now.  She has changed my life but I'm sure in her eyes everything is changing day by day!  Her discoveries have been so exciting.  Just observing her and seeing how fascinated she is with things, makes me smile.  Sometimes as we get older, we forget the simple fascinations of objects, the appreciation of what's around us.

I'd like to introduce to you Ava's new discovery... My wuka quiet time books.  It is truly amazing. My wuka is a great quiet time book for educating our little ones, keeping the kids busy for a while.  Got my house clean and great for places where they just need to keep busy.  Very well made and such an eye catcher.  I've been stopped by so many moms asking me what that is!  A must buy for learning toddlers. 

I purchased the "bundled up," "knot a problem," and the "pack it in" pages.  So far, the "pack it in" is her favorite.  It's very easy to assemble and easy to travel and take to places! We love it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A big yay to me & nee!

I couldn't be more proud of our new project collaborating with my good friend, Hannah.  We finally created a blog together!!  Putting our vision into reality!

me&nee blog….

Check out our blog and follow us!  
If you're in the Midwest, looking for adventure??  Must read. 

xoxo:  nee 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bonjour 2014!

Happy new year!!!

So we said farewell to 2013 and hello to 2014!  Rocking it in my silk pjs and a bottle of wine, I couldn't have asked for a better start.  Relaxation.  

In 2014, my goals are to live the life of happiness.  I absolutely adore my little family, actually I'm a bit obsessed but I wanted to find my own passion among my many roles in life.  I don't want to forget who I am.  What is it about Nee that can inspire???

When I found out I was pregnant, all I did was research and read about how to be the best mom, what to do, Pinterest every idea on how motherhood should be.  Now, my little one has surpassed her first year and the fun has begun.  What can mommy do now that baby girl will wanna aspire to be??  I wanna learn how to knit, properly.  I wanna learn how to learn how to play the piano.  I wanna challenge myself more with my photography.  My husband and I signed up for cooking classes to become better chefs!  Most importantly, I wanna view life in a different eye.  

Without my husband's full support, my life wouldn't be complete.  So to 2014 and new adventures.  To many bubble baths and nights of finishing novels!  To many moments of unplugging from the technology world and to keeping in touch more with friends than sporadic texts.  To many date nights with my love and many travels abroad.  

I cannot wait to fill my book with more stories.  More courage and more excitement.  I want to be reminded that I am a wonderful wife and mom, despite how others may think, through all my journeys.  

What are some of your resolutions??  What are you hoping to discover or improve for the new coming year?? 

Wishing you a happy new year!!