Monday, January 6, 2014

Paleo vs. Nee

New year's resolution:  stay fit and live long.

My husband is a health nut, work out fanatic, and hardcore …EVERYTHING.  I must admit, I truly admire his dedication.  When he puts his mind to it, he sticks to it.  Me??  Well, I try.  I go along for the ride and then when I find a burger or french fry, I devour it and eat it up like there's no tomorrow- with P staring at me with a grin.  WHAT!?

So he's into cross fit, I'm going back to my Holly Hsu bootcamp.  We're gonna be fit, live long and love each other forever and ever.  So, what's the new trend in our house???  PALEO.  I'm gonna attempt to try this.  Will I survive?  We shall see.   So far today, which is day one, I gave in and ate legumes and barley, but hey!  It was in my veggie soup, so in actuality it's not that horrible.  To the Paleo followers, I'm a sinner.  STRIKE ONE.  

What is Paleo?
According to my husband, yes he knows everything, it's a cave man's diet.  No dairy, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, high-salt meats and snacks, and oils (canola, vegetable, sugar, sunflower, safflower.)  It's pretty much clean eating- raw.  When he told me no sugar, I instantly screamed " NO STARBUCKS??"  I don't know how I'm gonna live. but I shall not be conquered!  I can do this. 

So here's to Paleo and kicking it's behind!
Mission// 30 days-  yes I can……(help me!)


book:  Paleo for Beginners
sponsor:  paul

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